
As an aspiring music supervisor for film and television, Kyle Cooke begins showcasing his knowledge of music catalogue by creating public Spotify playlists. Each playlist is designed to have a specific focus, whether that be to evoke an emotion, tell a story, share a genre, etc. Bellow are the most recent/featured playlists:

Indie Magic


Some indie songs create an immaculate feeling; a cinematic experience that tugs on the sentimental strings of our hearts. Whether it be a long drive, a mountain of work to tackle, or just time spent reminiscing-these songs will add something special to your day.

Hard & Fast


You know when you're in the middle of the mosh pit, flailing your whole body around, and covered in sweat? Whether or not it's your sweat you just can't tell. Then you get that feeling- the overwhelming feeling of adrenaline. It's intoxicating. That's what this playlist is all about. (Explicit)

Circuit Board Circus


The year is 2016. Technology has advanced so fast is such a short period of time it is almost stifling. However, with great change comes great responisibility. In this case, with great change in technology comes great music. Sit back and enjoy the sounds of circuit boards as they electrify your soul